Shrimp Madness Baby Powder 40g
Shrimp Madness Baby Powder 40g
4 in stock
Nutrient rich formula for healthy growth.
Ingredients: Nettle, Moringa, Dandelion, Kale, Spinach, Atlantic Kelp, Chlorella, Spirulina, Yeast, Bee Pollen.
- Concentrated source of proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
- Fine powder is easily consumed by all shrimp
- Enhances vibrant colouration with carotenoid rich ingredients
- Supplements biofilm and microorganisms - a natural food source
- Calcium supports healthy molting and shell development
- Balanced blend of plant based nutrients
Feeding instructions: Lightly dust a small amount over the aquarium once or twice per week. This complete diet provides optimal nuutrition for the growth of shrimp babies and adult shrimp.
Kepp the powder dry and sealed for maximum freshness. Store in a cool dark location.
Recommendation from the maker: Powdered foods are very popular but mostly people just get powdered fish food here in Australia and in my opinion in the long run it's not good for shrimp general well-being. I take it as a supplemental food and tank with baby shrimp where you can feed daily and small amounts.